Classic Antarctica
德瑞克海峽是南美洲合恩角(Cabo de Hornos / Cape Horn)與南極洲半島以北的南切得蘭群島之間的海峽,以十六世紀航海家─英國私掠船船長法蘭西斯‧德瑞克(Sir Francis Drake)為名。海峽東西闊約三百公里,南北長約九百五十公里,平均水深三千四百公尺,位處南緯六十度,以多風暴著名,是全球最危險的航道之一,也是南極洲與他大陸最接近的通道。
Day 1. Ushuaia, Argentina. Embarkation Day
Ushuaia – the most southern settlement on the continent of South America – is the point where our journey starts. We will embark the vessel late afternoon, after which Sea Explorer will sail down the picturesque Beagle Channel. We are going to meet our fellow adventurers and get acquainted with the shipboard services. As land fades away from sight,
we prepare ourselves for the next stop – Antarctica!
烏斯懷亞 - 南美大陸最南部的地方, 是我們的旅途開始點. 下午登上”海洋探險者”。遊客登船後,船長將落帆風景如畫的比格爾海峽,我們將舉辦一個簡短的資訊和安全須知介紹會。會上,船長將致歡迎辭,並介紹船官和探險隊。您還可以瞭解到更多未來數日的行程。
準備出發下一站 - 南極洲
Day 2-3. Crossing the Drake Passage.
The sea and weather conditions are hard to predict – the Drake Passage might be a real challenge most of the time The Drake Passage was named after Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer. However, some Spanish, Argentine, and Chilean historians maintain that it should be named Mar de Hoces (Hoces Sea)… Francisco de Hoces was a Spanish sailor who is supposed to precede Sir Francis Drake in inferring the existence of a passage between two continents…
These first days we are going to spend chatting with other travellers and listening to the presentations given by our Expedition Team As we are getting closer to the continent our excitement reaches its Peak
海洋和氣候條件下是難以預料的航行時間,約要兩天才能通過德瑞海峽,進入南極海域 -英國探險家弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士的名字命名的德雷克海峽德雷克海峽可能是一個真正的挑戰
Day 4-8. South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula
We will experience some of the most unique wildlife viewing and inspiring scenery in the world – gentoo, chinstrap and adelie penguin rookeries. Weddell, crabeater and leopard seals, and orca, humpback and minke whales in the cold Antarctic waters are likely to be encountered. Landing sites vary depending on weather conditions. We will have plenty of time to explore the amazing scenery, a pristine wilderness of snow, ice, mountains and waterways, and an incredibly wide variety of wildlife. We are sure that we are going to see many animals, historically significant sites and fascinating landscapes In fact watching penguins swimming and ambling over pebbled beaches, taking a Zodiac cruise around oddly artistically shaped icebergs, or witnessing a leopard seal hunt in the frigid Antarctic waters are going to be our main occupations in the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula.
In Antarctica we don’t have to seek out the excitement, it is all around!
著陸點視天氣情況而有所不同。我們將有足夠的時間來探索令人驚嘆的風景,雪,冰,高山和水路一個原始的荒野,和一個令人難以置信的各種各樣的野生動物。巴布亞企鵝, 阿德利企鵝的聚居地. 在寒冷的南極水域中很可能會遇到海豹,逆戟鯨,座頭鯨和小須鯨
Day 9-10. Drake Passage.
The journey back across the Drake Passage provides us with final opportunities for spotting seabirds and looking for whales. The Expedition Team run their last lectures and presentations, recapping the great Antarctic adventure that we have gone through
旅程回到德雷克海峽將為我們提供了用於探測海鳥和鯨魚的最終機會. 考察隊執行最後的講座,報告,扼要,為我們已經經歷了偉大的南極大冒險作一個總結
Day 11. Disembarkation in Ushuaia, Argentina
The time to say goodbye has arrived. After breakfast, we will have time to say goodbye to our Expedition Team, after which we will have our transfers to the airport.
德瑞克海峽是南美洲合恩角(Cabo de Hornos / Cape Horn)與南極洲半島以北的南切得蘭群島之間的海峽,以十六世紀航海家─英國私掠船船長法蘭西斯‧德瑞克(Sir Francis Drake)為名。海峽東西闊約三百公里,南北長約九百五十公里,平均水深三千四百公尺,位處南緯六十度,以多風暴著名,是全球最危險的航道之一,也是南極洲與他大陸最接近的通道。
Day 1. Ushuaia, Argentina. Embarkation Day
Ushuaia – the most southern settlement on the continent of South America – is the point where our journey starts. We will embark the vessel late afternoon, after which Sea Explorer will sail down the picturesque Beagle Channel. We are going to meet our fellow adventurers and get acquainted with the shipboard services. As land fades away from sight,
we prepare ourselves for the next stop – Antarctica!
烏斯懷亞 - 南美大陸最南部的地方, 是我們的旅途開始點. 下午登上”海洋探險者”。遊客登船後,船長將落帆風景如畫的比格爾海峽,我們將舉辦一個簡短的資訊和安全須知介紹會。會上,船長將致歡迎辭,並介紹船官和探險隊。您還可以瞭解到更多未來數日的行程。
準備出發下一站 - 南極洲
Day 2-3. Crossing the Drake Passage.
The sea and weather conditions are hard to predict – the Drake Passage might be a real challenge most of the time The Drake Passage was named after Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer. However, some Spanish, Argentine, and Chilean historians maintain that it should be named Mar de Hoces (Hoces Sea)… Francisco de Hoces was a Spanish sailor who is supposed to precede Sir Francis Drake in inferring the existence of a passage between two continents…
These first days we are going to spend chatting with other travellers and listening to the presentations given by our Expedition Team As we are getting closer to the continent our excitement reaches its Peak
海洋和氣候條件下是難以預料的航行時間,約要兩天才能通過德瑞海峽,進入南極海域 -英國探險家弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士的名字命名的德雷克海峽德雷克海峽可能是一個真正的挑戰
Day 4-8. South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula
We will experience some of the most unique wildlife viewing and inspiring scenery in the world – gentoo, chinstrap and adelie penguin rookeries. Weddell, crabeater and leopard seals, and orca, humpback and minke whales in the cold Antarctic waters are likely to be encountered. Landing sites vary depending on weather conditions. We will have plenty of time to explore the amazing scenery, a pristine wilderness of snow, ice, mountains and waterways, and an incredibly wide variety of wildlife. We are sure that we are going to see many animals, historically significant sites and fascinating landscapes In fact watching penguins swimming and ambling over pebbled beaches, taking a Zodiac cruise around oddly artistically shaped icebergs, or witnessing a leopard seal hunt in the frigid Antarctic waters are going to be our main occupations in the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula.
In Antarctica we don’t have to seek out the excitement, it is all around!
著陸點視天氣情況而有所不同。我們將有足夠的時間來探索令人驚嘆的風景,雪,冰,高山和水路一個原始的荒野,和一個令人難以置信的各種各樣的野生動物。巴布亞企鵝, 阿德利企鵝的聚居地. 在寒冷的南極水域中很可能會遇到海豹,逆戟鯨,座頭鯨和小須鯨
Day 9-10. Drake Passage.
The journey back across the Drake Passage provides us with final opportunities for spotting seabirds and looking for whales. The Expedition Team run their last lectures and presentations, recapping the great Antarctic adventure that we have gone through
旅程回到德雷克海峽將為我們提供了用於探測海鳥和鯨魚的最終機會. 考察隊執行最後的講座,報告,扼要,為我們已經經歷了偉大的南極大冒險作一個總結
Day 11. Disembarkation in Ushuaia, Argentina
The time to say goodbye has arrived. After breakfast, we will have time to say goodbye to our Expedition Team, after which we will have our transfers to the airport.